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We Train, INpower & Equip leaders & entrepreneurs to live a PURPOSE-driven, KINGDOM Focused life DAILY! Drawing from 27 years of experience we also help to transform ordinary marriages into fruitful kingdom unions.

(Matthew 24:14; Ephesians 4:11-13, Mark 10:8-9)


Apostle Corey & Prophetess Tisha Ricks, CPC

Apostle Corey and Prophetess Tisha Ricks, kingdom leadership, prophetic ministry, apostolic leadership, kingdom consultants, faith leaders, kingdom builders, spiritual gifts, ministry training, five-fold ministry training


KRM Worldwide is a ministry birthed over ten years ago when Apostle Corey and Prophetess Tisha Ricks became burdened by church as usual. They witnessed firsthand, people faithfully serving in the church and not seeing much fruit or evidence of the God they say they serve manifesting in their own personal lives. Apostle and Prophetess came to the understanding that they as well as many others were experiencing the lack of TRUE prosperity and for it struggled tremendously in many areas unnecessarily.  
People experience minimal victories because they do not realize that God put power and authority on the INSIDE of them, to succeed and to make a major impact in the world around them. Until "one goes within they will always do without". So faithfulness alone in the house of God does not cause the best of God's kingdom to be added to our life. "Faith without works is dead" (James 2:17).

Our faith and profession as followers of Christ and citizen's of the kingdom of God should produce much fruit in EVERY aspect of our lives! We as the body of Christ, have been sent to earth to represent the King of Kings not just in word, but also in deed. Apostle Corey and Prophetess Tisha Ricks, CPC., believe they've been called, equipped and anointed "for such a time as this" to develop, train and equip those called to the five-fold ministry to advance the kingdom of God. Don't know what the Kingdom of God is?:

For Reference: Check Kingdom Page 



Improve something by removing faults: 
to change and improve something by correcting faults, removing inconsistencies and abuses, and imposing modern methods or values.

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Are You One?

We are called to develop, train and equip:

Kingdom-driven leaders & Entrepreneurs all over the globe. Men and women who have a sincere call to the five-fold ministry, possess great leadership abilities, an entrepreneurial spirit, have a heart and passion for God's people, a lover of and one who lives by the truth of God's word. Those who have a major passion for the nations? Have a prophetic nature, who are tired of religion and the current state of the church. Those who want to fulfill their kingdom assignments and have a deep need to please the heart of the King above all. Those who want to help make true disciples for God's kingdom and to be a laborer for this great harvest.

MUST Watch!

Kingdom INpowerment Tour 2022
Post-poned till later date

Video excerpt from...

Kingdom INpowerment Tour VA. 

DON'T you miss this reformational teaching from Apostle Corey Ricks...

POP-UP broadcasts are coming back beginning Sept 2023!!


 DON'T you miss it for nothing...

Kingdom Inpowerment P
OP-Up broadcasts!

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